Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Part 2

Lauras not here today. And I had to get up at 9:00. That might not seem like much to you, but it's summer, and I'm a teenager. That means I get to sleep at 5:12 in the morning and wake up at three in the afternoon. And beind deprived of my sleep-in schedule and getting three or so hours of sleep fucks up my schedule today. I'm kinda surly, my hands are jittery and I don't really have the energy to do anything except wave bags at people who come and sign up, giving some garbled interpretation of the summer reading speech. I probably look like I was up all night with whiskey and crack whores. If only...

I never realized how lax my parents were on the whole punishment thing. Having burned out parents yelling "You STOP THAT RIGHT NOW, JOSHUA DAVID!" as loud as they can while still maintaining the facade of a whisper freaks me the hell out. Sure, we'd get an occaisional "Stop it!" when we were roughhousing, but no "I will rip out your internal organs and eat them in front of you if you don't SHUT THE HELL UP!" kinda thing.

There would be more if anything had happened worth writing about...

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